C3 failed Injector and running on 3 cylinders.

I have checked the receipt and the part number is the same as the one on the Andyspares.com forum.
This is looking like a point of failure as per all Alans replies. Thanks Alan. :cry:
They advised it was the 1st one which is the main one i guess? :cry:
danielsydney said:
They advised it was the 1st one which is the main one i guess? :cry:

Which will be number 4 as they are probably calling the flywheel end No4.

Shane L.

UK version vehicles are quite different to ours. They may use some common

components in the basic drive line but injection systems, particularly the

ECU's which control the fuel delivery and emission systems are totally


This was an answer that I put to ATECO about the part number. I have since spoken to a person at ATECO(not mentioning names here no way). He has asked me to fax a copy of the reciept and my car details and they are now investigating the whole issue. According to them they have set up a small enquiry into the matter. Ill keep you all updated. :confused:
.............and what bearing does the ECU have on water dripping onto the injector if that's the cause??
Load of bu!!$#i+

Alan S
cruiserman said:
Im with you Chris, 150$ per injector for a diesel, via a very good diesel fuel injection specialist (not not like a citroen specialist) the leading denso injection and pump shop in Australia. For 400$ I would have thought they should have changed all of them and wax and polished the car as well.

One set (6) of new injectors (0 427 502 047) for a R25v6 costs NZ$315, freight included. As fitted to Mercedes and Ferrari.
I wouldn't be suprised if this is one of those "that part is only available throught a dealership" type deals- because they can charge what they like- but it still doesn't mean the thing should fail at random- Bosch stuff just doesn't do that.



I have just heard back from our Customer Service team and they report the

injector failure was caused by contaminates in fuel. Our service and

warranty departments were contacted during the repair by Continental but it

was deemed a non manufacturer issue.

I trust this helps explain the failure to your satisfaction.

Kindest Regards

What do people suggest I do about this now?
danielsydney said:
What do people suggest I do about this now?


once again this is utter bullshit. Just how does the quality of the fuel cause an injector to electrically stop working. It WILL cause them to clog up mechanically and require cleaning .... Gimme a break, forward the reasons supplied here why the injectors stop working. Let them know in no uncertain term you EXPECT a full refund, tell them you were supplied this information by a Citroen Agent in the UK (don't mention names). Ie: You KNOW this is a common problem, don't allow them to bullsh!t you.

Ask how fuel quality will cause an injector to stop working electrically ?? Would that just make it dirty and require cleaning. Also wouldn't the other 3 also be in immediate risk of failing if it was due to our fuel.

Don't get walked all over, ensure you get your $$$ back.

Shane L.
hang on Daniel

this is a car that you get serviced fanatically by these people and that includes fuel filters

did they change fuel filters at all during your ownership of the car ?

i think it's time for further investigation and then if nothing good comes from it then a bad name is easy to get and hard to get rid of if you understand my meaning

What do you want Ateco to do?

Ateco didn't fill the tank or have any control over contaminates in the

fuel. These contaminates could be anything from water to sludge picked up

from service station storage tanks. Most of the labour content on your bill

was for cleaning the fuel system - Check with Continental.

I understand what your asking Daniel but realistically, in determining the

fault was not a mechanical failure under the control of Ateco, what would

you suggest is Ateco's responsibility in this matter.

Some friendly advise, drop it. It's not the vehicles fault and it's

certainly not up to Ateco to screen fuel used by customers.

If you still feel like taking the issue further however, you can raise it

with our Customer Service department direct. As I started out telling you 3

days ago, I don't have any jurisdiction or control in this area so it's best

raised with them.

Sorry I could be of more help

Kindest Regards

This is not looking good guys....

if it was dirty fuel, why did they replace the injector and not just clean it ... Really you are being fed a load of sh!t. No-one replaces a whole injector just because of a bit of dodgy fuel. Does this mean the other 3injectors are about to expire because of the same fuel ??

Drop it my @rse, I'd be at there bloody throats like a pitbull if they spoke down to me like that.

Shane L.
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Is it possible for you to “depersonalise” the invoice, scan it and post it in this message? Just the details of the operations and parts used to give full details of what was carried out in this particular service. If they cleared the tank and fuel system fully they should have been able to give you a reasonable idea of what the contaminants were, or at least said “Wow, you must have got some crap fuel from somewhere” when the car was picked up, especially as this really is something out of the blue. Just like injectors should last for ages, it seems quite rare now to get a batch of dodgy particle contaminated fuel.

Also in future request that you keep all parts replaced on the car, legally they are yours (except from parts replaced under warranty), but you may find that you consent to them being thrown away when you sign your life away at the reception counter on booking the car in for service.
Daniel, if you don't have the faulty injector, i would try and get hold of it ASAP. Also can you see any evidence of the problem that Alan has pointed out from overseas?

It also sounds like you're going through a personal contact at Ateco. Best make you complaint formal, as has been said previously.
a bad batch of fuel will attack all the injectors not just one

also did they change the fuel filters when they replaced the injector ?

if they did then they should be able to tell you what was in them as they should have caught a lot of the crap IF there was any in the fuel to start with
When I was in the car game, I was always told, a good customer complains a bad one doesn't; he just walks off and tells evryone else about it.
When he complains, you address the complaint to mutual satisfaction nd the good customer comes back. That's why he's a good customer.
Daniel; time to be a good customer. Send the complaint in detail in to ATECO in writing including copies of all evidence you have in reference to the matter'coz at present they are using arguments that can have very big holes blown in them.
Be sure to keep a copy of your official complaint and if the reply is in the negative, then acknowledge receipt of their response again in writing but if you get to this stage, send a c.c. to The Office of Fair Trading attached to a complaint to them.
These guys are trying to give you the brush off big time.
How come it's taken until now for all these stories of contamination to surface and as has been said, how did the alleged moisture in the fuel get into the electrics from the inside :confused: did they give a detailed account and if so, what was the labour content of the job? I am asking that because I now know approx the price they should have charged for just the injector, do you normally get your fuel from the same servo and if so have you appoached the servo and/or the oil company asking if anyone else has complained of similar problems? If it's that bad they should have.
No mate, they'll have to do better than that to convince me they're for real. They appear to be grasping at straws to avoid doing the right thing.
Now you know why I do two things:

1 - Never buy a new car

2 - Do my own work.

Alan S
the thing i can't understand is they told Daniel that they threw the injectior away as soon as they removed it to replace it with a working unit

if so then how do they now say it failed due to fuel contamination when they didn't look at it when they pulled it out

i am thinking a couple of things here

1 they didn't replace the injector but fixed another problem relating to the missfire

2 they replaced it but fixed another problem relating to the missfire

3 they ran some injector cleaner through the system but charged for a new injector anyway
This is the chain of events. I have been emailing a guy there who is in spare parts. I got another name off him of a guy who is at the customer service dept who is in charge of the warranty issues and can adjudicate on the matter. I faxed him the full invoice and the last quoted reply i posted is what I got via Email from him. This really isnt good enough.
Who should I adress the letter of complaint too though? Alan Can you email me as Id like to talk to you about the whole saga over the phone as you are the most knowledgable I think in handling these situations?
Its not the cost that im worried about so much but the principle of the matter. I cant help what fuel I put in if its premium unleaded.
I cant monitor all tanker fule truck movements. Being out of warranty but not more than 2 weeks they should help me out.