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3 postings of pics at the Daylesford Antique fair - - - a little display & 1 at Trentham & 1 from Le Sel in Maldon - - -and the barn find Sunbeam Talbot.


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Just to say thank you to all here who helped get the Safari, ID19b and still on the go Special - - on the road.

All the best for Christmas and 2022.

John and Janet.

PS - Michael's Series 3 Landrover about to pull the Big15 out to install the fixed up motor. The ID19b and Safari in good company of a '36 La Salle and the wonderful '46 Packard.


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The 1923 Citroen B2 in good company at Daylesford Jubilee Oval



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Muckleford School Annual Picnic-2022
Michael Janet and I brought a few cars including the Big 6 on New Years day. Temperatures were up so some people piked out. There were some decent cars. It is a “Bring a Plate” affair so a bit os a foodfest - - - great fun.

Today, Sunday we thought we’d take the Big 6 for a drive to Trentham - - - not to be.
It isn’t often we break down but as we were cruising along there were a few splutters so I pulled to the side thinking that we were out of petrol. The gauge is a “bit contrary” so I always carry a gallon in the boot.
Anyway - - did that and the car wouldn’t start, As we were tilting down on the left I figured the gallon wasn’t enough to reach the carbi so we rolled the car backwards about a 100 yards into a side road but still it didn’t start - - - not very happy and wondering what next. I happened to have my full emergency (period) suitcase in the car so after calming down, about the time we would have been sitting down for coffee at the Trentham bakery, I thought I would do a bit of a survey of what might be wrong. Out comes a spare rotor to no success. Pulled the coil cable out of the distributor to find NO SPARK. Good I thought as now I had a reason for no go.
I hot wired to the coil incase ignition wasn’t supplying. Opened and closed points with a screwdriver with the points closing on the cam.
Now - - - what are the scenarios that have caught me out before - - -rotor or condensor. Some time ago I rigged up a spare condenser that I could easily connect up to the negative side of the coil so I did this and still no spark.
Okay - - - a condenser can either short to earth or muck about so I disconnected the condenser wire under the distributor cap leaving the spare condenser hooked up. I then manually operated the points and - - voila, a good spark. Put everything back together and away we went - - back home - - just – incase.


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Well done John! Those dreaded condensers…

Nice cars on the photos… is the blue convertible on photo 8 a Lancia Aurelia? Looks very pretty…

And what is the blue roadster in photo 9?
Aurelia indeed, would that be in the care of a Cappy? - and with aluminium bonnet - Alvis?
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Warrnanbool Lake Pertobe car show Citroen

The 2nd weekend in January again brings the car show to Lake Pertobe in Warrnanbool. Caught up with Bob who was on his way to deliver some Cit parts to Tassy and Roger who lives not far away from this event. Michael brought his Humber as he had left the tandem at Roger's with a Renault scenic on board which he'll take home.

It was nice that the French flag that Janet made attracted the odd French family to the Citroens - - - lots of nostalgia - -sitting in the back dicky seat - - and always getting car sick - - as a kid - - in France.

As I was juggling cars late Saturday the Big 6 again broke down. Rather than muck about on the side of the road I walked home and we towed it back with the Safari.

Up early Sunday morning and on the road at 4.40am - - - 200 yards and the headlights failed.

Back home to try to source the fault and after half an hour decided to leave with the parkers on as dawn was breaking. I was feeling a bit despondent as lately everything is deciding to break down.

Anyway the 3 hour trip to Warrnanbool went splendidly and a great day was had. I’ll look at the Big 6 first as I think it will be the condenser that I had mounted next to the coil as a spare and hooked up recently.

John, Janet - - and Michael

PS - Oh yes, there is a pic of my one minute of fame with an interview from the Warrnanbool newspaper.


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We went to a lesser known Bendigo Swap with a show & shine in the 1968 Safari. It looked a treat amongst a large variety of cars.

Also we went along to a Ballarat get together in the 1950 Big 6 which is “running sweet”.
I do like the 1936 La Salle.

The ’49 Armstrong Siddeley Lancaster is getting closer to a roadworthy. On the first drive I familiarised myself with the quirky pre-selector way of changing gears - - - I put the selector in first and when I depress and let go of the “clutch” pedal ( which it isn’t ) the car will then engage. Driving along in 1st I select 2nd and it will only engage to 2nd when working the pedal again. Quite simple really. These boxes were preferred in the Alpine Rallies as it was claimed that some milli seconds were saved with each gear change. So as I was driving it brought back to me the times changing gears in a DS Hydraulique which ofcourse doesn’t need the pedal to change so I conclude that both these systems were good and reliable. The Armstrong Siddeley, it seems, doesn’t have a clutch but has bands while the DS has the conventional clutch.

John, Janet & Michael.


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Nice to hear about a Wilson preselector box still in use. I drove one of these long before I came across an automatic, which felt weird to me then.

We went to Hanging Rock car day. The Model T was going beautifully till there was a loud bang and the engine died. It looks like one of the magnets from the flywheel that makes up the “magneto / alternator” came adrift. The headlights did some flickering and then went off which would help to indicate this. I probably could have restarted the engine on “Battery” but with a magnet dislodged near the flywheel this might not be a good idea. - - - engine out job.

So luckily Peter who was coming in his Morris Cowley ute hadn’t yet left home so he picked us up where we had broken down close by and took us back home.

As Peter stopped in his year 2000 or so Falcon the horn was blowing loudly which at 6.30am isn’t a good look. I noticed him bashing the steering column with gusto and then it stopped. He said he’d better “unhook the horn sometime and yes - - the car is getting a bit old”.

A quick re pack into the 1950 Big 15 meeting Michael in the ’23 Hupmobile at the freeway and Peter was waiting at the entrance of “The Rock” in amongst the many Holdens, Valiants and whatever. There was only one other Citroen there but the Renault Club had a few cars which was great.

Peter, at 85 is doing up a little Sprite. I laughed when he bought the beat up car, saying that most “Old Codgers” are selling their sports cars while he was buying one.

Although it would have been nice to see a few more Pommy and European cars it was still a great day. The Big 6 DID get a bit of attention but if I had 2 bob for every person that loved the Datsun 250, or was it 260Z next door - - I would be a rich man

Nevermind, we’re off to Yarraglen this Sunday in our ’54 Sunbeam Alpine to get a British hit - - and European, which will be - - “oh so proper - - and distinguished”.

John, Janet and Michael.

PS :- We picked up the Model T at the end of the Day.


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Warrnanbool Lake Pertobe car show Citroen

The 2nd weekend in January again brings the car show to Lake Pertobe in Warrnanbool. Caught up with Bob who was on his way to deliver some Cit parts to Tassy and Roger who lives not far away from this event. Michael brought his Humber as he had left the tandem at Roger's with a Renault scenic on board which he'll take home.

It was nice that the French flag that Janet made attracted the odd French family to the Citroens - - - lots of nostalgia - -sitting in the back dicky seat - - and always getting car sick - - as a kid - - in France.

As I was juggling cars late Saturday the Big 6 again broke down. Rather than muck about on the side of the road I walked home and we towed it back with the Safari.

Up early Sunday morning and on the road at 4.40am - - - 200 yards and the headlights failed.

Back home to try to source the fault and after half an hour decided to leave with the parkers on as dawn was breaking. I was feeling a bit despondent as lately everything is deciding to break down.

Anyway the 3 hour trip to Warrnanbool went splendidly and a great day was had. I’ll look at the Big 6 first as I think it will be the condenser that I had mounted next to the coil as a spare and hooked up recently.

John, Janet - - and Michael

PS - Oh yes, there is a pic of my one minute of fame with an interview from the Warrnanbool newspaper.
The only way to photograph a '50's Caddie, two parts!
The 1956 Big 15 is finally up and running - - after about 2 years. Water was getting into the oil so a complete refurbish has been done by Alexis, our French friend. It is probably the only big job that we talked him into doing but he has been very thorough sourcing new pistons, liners and heaps of parts from his contacts overseas. The car is running smoothly so we’ll be careful running it in. The inside and outside is VERY original. Many would say - - “when are ye gonna do er up mate” but no, she must stay as she is.

A few pics of the Big 15 in the company of the Vagabond, Armstrong Siddeley, ’48 Sunbeam Talbot ready for a paint job and on the “hoist” Also a pic of the ID19b in Maldon, the C35 going under cover as new spaces have come up with a new shed.



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Yarraglen 2022 British & European Day

Our 1954 Sunbeam Alpine doesn’t have sunvisors so leaving before dawn at quarter to five on Sunday morning helped to avoid driving directly East into the sun. Michael was following in his Sunbeam Talbot. As in the Alpine rallies in the early 50’s these cars are at home in mountainous country although quite arduous as Stirling Moss and Sheilla Vandam would have experienced. Younger brother, Hans, followed an or so later in his manificent 1935 Humber Snipe. Our Citroens were left at home as these cars made for a bit more of a challenge. We arrived about 7.30 and were amongst the first to be let in.

The MG Car Club run this event and are to be applauded for their attention to detail. The different makes of cars and motor bikes are allotted their own areas around the large racecourse parking areas making it easy for the public to admire each make together. This MG club has a very strong following with the many different year models parked from early to late in their dress circle area.
Jaguars were there with the different E Type variations to the great Mark 10. Others makes were there like Mercs, Daimlers, Rileys, Rovers etc - - - - axcepting Armstrong Siddeley, one of which we purchased recently.

The Citroens were not great in volume but I must say the 23 five speed Pallas looked magnificent near the lovely Ami wagon.

The Mota Frenz club had a GS Citroen in their area away from the other Citroens which looked lovely.
The Peugeots were there with a magnificent VERY ORIGINAL 202 model with the headlights behind the grille, similar, I think, to the Fiat Topollino.

So a great day was had by all. It was good to peruse such a wonderful collection of cars from Britain and Europe

John, Janet, Michael and Hans.


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Mini road trip to Port Fairy.

It has been some time since going on a bit of a road trip so off we went last Wednesday to Queenscliffe via Geelong where we went to the vicinity of the old Ford factory to a vintage concern at the old Federal mill. Always fun to look for old treasures and to top up early electrical fittings that we still sell on the net.
Growing up as a kid in Geelong has always made the trip back quite special. Onto Barwon Heads to Annie’s for lunch and to Queenscliffe via Point Lonsdale. We stayed the night at the Vue Grand.
Up early on Thursday to wind our way along the Great Ocean Road through Lorne and breakfast at the General Store in Wye River. The ID19b goes very well along the “very picturesque scenery”. For one day it is quite a sizeable mileage to eventually arrive around two in Port Fairy where we stay the second night at the Merri Jig Inn - - - apparently the oldest inn in Victoria. A pub meal at night in a great little town. The next day is homeward bound with us being very impressed by the luxury comfort of the 1968 “DS”.

John & Janet


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That reads like a really nice and relaxed trip!

We went with the SM owners on a 300klm trip around Ballan / Meredith - I agree with your comment on the comfort of the ID John! The Safari ran like a dream and kept up without any issues - even though up hill I had to wring it’s neck a few times. Got her up to 127klm/hr on the long straights! So the 140klm others mentioned may well be right after all.

This time of year is often busy with many car events on top of each other.
Last Sunday, with the Castlemaine car club Peter, from Bullarto, organized a run through the beautiful farming area of Dean and onwards - - - south of Daylesford. This is where there is a lot of opposition in carrying the new wind farm electricity above ground rather than under.
We left home very early as there was a swap at Maldon. Meeting Michael at Castlemaine we changed cars and left in our 1954 Vauxhall Vagabond. I had replaced the condenser a few days before and was convinced the missing had gone away.
Pretty much as soon as we left in the dark for the swap it was missing and I was working the choke thinking that it was cold. After a few K’s it wasn’t improving so back to Castlemaine to again swap our picnic paraphanalia back to the ID19b.
The swap was not too big so we just got it covered in time to meet the car club people back in Castlemaine after picking up a good few electrical bits.
Peter drove his early fifties Morris Minor, we in our ’68 ID19b and brother Michael in the ex Peter Boyle ’54 Traction Light 15. One casualty was a Rover P5B with the right front brake nearly on fire with the brake binding up. Brake fluid has always been a curse with its hydroscopic properties.
It was great seeing the Traction winding its way through the hilly countryside along with the other cars.
We were in our element when visiting two sheds of very interesting farm machinery and early household items.

John, Janet and Michel.

PS:- I have got four Vauxhall carbies ready to take, with the Vauxhall, to Allens Carbies at Shellbourne near Bendigo - - - - he is a whiz !!


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