Where are the Melbourne cruises, eh?


Fellow Frogger
Mar 8, 2002
Just wondering, since I've been here, I've noticed Sydney and Brisbane cruises. I'm just wondering, where are the Melbourne cruises.


David Cavanagh:
We're all busy worrying about the public liability insurance to actually do anything.

At the risk of starting a huge debate, where is the risk? Let me expand a little...

1/ As there is no identifiable club or official organisation as such, who can be held liable for actions other than their own?

2/ If you are using public roads and registered and insured vehicles and don't break the law, what can go wrong as a group?

3/ If someone does something wrong and they are registered and insured, then that should cover their actions???

4/ When are we all going to pull our heads out of our bums and stop being so worried about this damn thing? AND

5/ When are people going to once again accept responsibility for their own actions?

I think that can of worms is well and truly opened now.....

Go ahead and organise a cruise. Hey if a group of cars all of similar ilk are travelling to the same destination, where is the problem?

Craig, I agree with everything you said, but the way the law is written, if you organise a group of poeple to do anything at all than your responable for they safety, whether it be a group of friends walking in the park or a drive in the hills, as organiser you are responable and if anything goes wrong you can be sued.
Sorry, but thats the law, and it stinks.

Well I'm really up the creek without a paddle.
I organized this web site so in theory, if someone gets RSI or falls of their easy chair while reading this, the news is all bad.
dead disappro

clown clown clown
The citroen car club of Vic have an end of month run/cruise arranged....for details contact CCCV
sorry...don't know the details...
yes gibgib your probably in trouble if someone carks it while on this site.
Here is a true story that is going through the courts right now. A car club (I'm not naming them), while on a club run a member had a heart attack and is blaming a club car backfiring, he is seuing the club and his solicitors have frozen the assets of every member of that club weather they were on the run or not. It's all very serious and totally unbeleivable but it's happening.
The only way to hold a cruise is to organise it though a car club that has public liability insurance, RCCV,PCCV and CCCV all have insurance and better still they are all incorporated clubs which means the individial members can't be touched.

My thoughts,
For starters lets have a name change from Cruises to HOONS. From the bragging posts in the reflections thread. That's what quite a few were doing, " Driving irresponsibly & without witnessing it Stupidly on PUBLIC ROADS"
It's easy to see why most aren't interested in joining clubs to get runs organised or do their racing on tracks. You simply wont follow rules & want to do your own thing.
The two cars that came to grief, if your insurance company or TAC found out what you were up to you'd be well on your way up shit creek without a paddle & as a result if anyone had been injured in those cars the other 19 drivers could easily have been learning what PUBLIC LIABILITY is all about!!!!!!!!!
My $0.02's worth.
However i'm pleased you all enjoyed yourselves on your saturday Hoon thru the bush.

whip whip whip whip whip citroen_ peugeot_ renault_

Ps:- From your own reports there's no way i'd recomend any of the clubs i'm associated with arrange an event for your entertainment. Two reasons,
1/ To be covered by the club insurance you'd need to be a member of that or of an invited club. (there seems to be a reluctance among the younger people on this forum to do this)

2/ The behavior of many of the drivers would bring the club into disrepute.

There is no place on public roads for the Testosterone debate "mines faster & badder than yours."
If you don't wish to join a club. The melb guys can hire Calder for $160 8am till 4pm and drive all day with only themselves at risk, Winton is als available somewhat cheaper, or there's the friday night Police sponsered street DRAGS, I think the entry fee is $100. However the cars are scrutineered before going on the track for any of these events.
Damien Gardner:
My thoughts,
For starters lets have a name change from Cruises to HOONS. From the bragging posts in the reflections thread. That's what quite a few were doing, " Driving irresponsibly & without witnessing it Stupidly on PUBLIC ROADS"
It's easy to see why most aren't interested in joining clubs to get runs organised or do their racing on tracks. You simply wont follow rules & want to do your own thing.
The two cars that came to grief, if your insurance company or TAC found out what you were up to you'd be well on your way up shit creek without a paddle & as a result if anyone had been injured in those cars the other 19 drivers could easily have been learning what PUBLIC LIABILITY is all about!!!!!!!!!
My $0.02's worth.
However i'm pleased you all enjoyed yourselves on your saturday Hoon thru the bush.

Ps:- From your own reports there's no way i'd recomend any of the clubs i'm associated with arrange an event for your entertainment. Two reasons,
1/ To be covered by the club insurance you'd need to be a member of that or of an invited club. (there seems to be a reluctance among the younger people on this forum to do this)

2/ The behavior of many of the drivers would bring the club into disrepute.

There is no place on public roads for the Testosterone debate "mines faster & badder than yours."
If you don't wish to join a club. The melb guys can hire Calder for $160 8am till 4pm and drive all day with only themselves at risk, Winton is als available somewhat cheaper, or there's the friday night Police sponsered street DRAGS, I think the entry fee is $100. However the cars are scrutineered before going on the track for any of these events.

Now here's a non-devisive post if i've ever read one :)

I won't debate any of the points except to say "SAAB" wink

Thank you for your speculative thoughts :D
Sunset Boulevard Residence Prathumnak
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Damien, I think one of the things about joining the PCCV that really appealed to me (as a younger driver) is that they do offer days such as DEKA and so forth - that is controlled race track and skidpan events to further develop your driving skills.

I also enjoy slower paced 'cruises' as it is quite nice to relax a little ane enjoy the scenery. At the same time, a slightly faster paced drive can be quite fun as well. But it is really up to the individual to choose to back off when it is getting excessive or out of control.
Damien, not defending anyone on the drive as they can do it themselves if they fell the need to.

Been on many different cruises in the past and the aussiefrogs one was one of the more sensible ones.
Many pulled over when someone wanted to pass, i didnt witness any stupid stunts and we all took it easier due to the slippery roads.

Almost all stuck to the speed limits, it's hard not to in a 100 zone with tight corners everywhere, plenty of distance kept and fun was had.

I understand what you're saying but you weren't there and are only going by what's been bragged about.

I must add that I definitely wasn't hooning due to a lack of power and rear brakes that kept going on smoko's! roll_lau
Hi Guys,

I'll add to that, I felt like getting some Renault Gordini & Alpine drivers and repetivly beating them in the head for the way they left the AFCD. Sure it's great to see a Gordini & alpine being 'driven', but in a public arena with lotsa people/pedestrians around it's plain stupid (and aside from that, there motors were ice cold, you'd never catch me thrashing my car like that when it's just been started after sitting for hours. The water & oil temp are always upto operating levels before I 'drive' :D ).

Shane L.
Hi Guys,

I'll add to that, I felt like getting some Renault Gordini & Alpine drivers and repetivly beating them in the head for the way they left the AFCD. Sure it's great to see a Gordini & alpine being 'driven', seeya,
Shane L.
Please elaborate, I wasn't there :)
Many pulled over when someone wanted to pass, i didnt witness any stupid stunts and we all took it easier due to the slippery roads.
Obviously 2 certain peugeot drivers didn't take it easy enough.... :( :( :(

I hope both concerned were alright and not to much damage was done to the pugs.

I would have to agree with Damien however. Inevitably, when lots of young male testosterone fuelled drivers come together in the same place and are heading to the same destination, the brain takes a back seat to the d**k. It tends to turn from a cruise into targa-victoria.


I think that is an accurate reflection Richard. My personal preference would be to do it the official car club way - hold legal motorkhanas and hiring of skidpans/race tracks for the fun stuff, and some pleasant cruises in the pretty parts of our lovely state. This might seem like an odd idea, but how about a cruise which actually has the aim of getting somewhere specific (maybe something french/car related?), rather than just a drive to say 'lets get from point A to point B via the twistiest roads we can find.'

I'm not going to pretend it isn't fun to do that, of course it is, but the last drive has really driven home that it is quite easy to get into trouble and endanger people. The problem was many didn't appear to back off much despite the weather conditions (and I admit I was guilty of this during some parts of the drive as well).

But I say enough of all this, lets learn and move on and hope the next drive is even more enjoyable and far less costly to any participants.

Originally posted by Andreas:
[qb]Many pulled over when someone wanted to pass, i didnt witness any stupid stunts and we all took it easier due to the slippery roads.
Obviously 2 certain peugeot drivers didn't take it easy enough.... :( :( :(

I hope both concerned were alright and not to much damage was done to the pugs.

I would have to agree with Damien however. Inevitably, when lots of young male testosterone fuelled drivers come together in the same place and are heading to the same destination, the brain takes a back seat to the d**k. It tends to turn from a cruise into targa-victoria.

well its good to have some fun but i do agree with some things but if you just drive and have no fun then people will not came for the drive,and ive been on the sydney drives and its been so much fun everyone enjoys then selfs and its just no the young people that enjoy then selfs as well
I am totally disgusted and rather pissed off.

There are two people who are accusing me of 'coming to grief' because I was somewhow irresponsible, or testosterone fuelled, or some other crap? *spits on the floor* you were not even there for gods sake!

How dare you make judgements on peoples behaviour when you not only did not attend the 'cruise' but have never even met many (all?) of those concerned.

You are more than welcome to speculate about the driving attitudes of some drivers from the posts they have made, but to make a connection between them and the two who 'came to grief' I find totally disgusting, repulsive and un-called for.

Please, a bit of bloody common sense before you post, its not a great feeling bending a best friends car but nothing has pissed me off more than reading your post, Damien.

However, any of those who were driving behind me during the black spur before I kissed the embankment in Jasons car, if you have ANY thoughts or anything to say about what you saw, please Private Message me, I'm still confused as to what happened exactly and would be interested to hear from you.