Oil leak look like near Exhaust manifold. Peugeot 207

Penrite OEM Blue but need a full flush.

What colour in the vehicle currently as can get dealer coolant or Nylon One as other options.

Best not to mix coolant if you don't know what it was previously filled with.
Sure thank you for the help. i wll strick the same one. im sure it wasnt blue. I had yellow. ill flush it and refill. undo the bottom hose connected to the ratiod at the bottom and empty and re-fill. i know there is the small srew ti relase air whilie filling. ill search more on how to do the flush. thank you for your time.
I live in Queensland and I don't waste my money on Ethylene Glycol.

True, Penrite's OEM blue is licensed as equivalent to BASF's Glystantin G30 and BASF recommend G30 in all PSA engines....However, PSA do not! PSA recommend their own stuff (what ever that may be). They used to recommend Glystantin but they don't anymore.
Now I am NOT saying you should not use Penrite blue or the OEM stuff or Glystantin, but they contain Ethylene Glycol.
NO! I am not trying to "save the whales"...Hmm that's not quite what I meant.
Why would you pay for Ethylene Glycol if there is NEVER any chance of the coolant in your car freezing?
Of course if there IS a chance of the coolant in your engine freezing, use the CORRECT RATIO of "antifreeze" (glycol). If you are using a "pre-mixed" coolant AND you live in a place where the coolant might freeze, does your coolant have the correct ratio of glycol to protect the engine block from cracking? Probably not. So again, a waste of money!
Sorry, but this a pet peeve of mine.