Three Arondes going on Ebay.

Not that I need three Arondes, but I do remember them when they were being sold back in the sixties. I'm amazed that after a fortnight no-one on AF has admitted any interest. Never mind, they may be well known to a lot of Simcaphiles.
Not that I need three Arondes, but I do remember them when they were being sold back in the sixties. I'm amazed that after a fortnight no-one on AF has admitted any interest. Never mind, they may be well known to a lot of Simcaphiles.
I still have fond memories of the one I owned some 40 years ago. It was cream in colour with a red flash on the side and I loved it. But...., some drunk rammed it whilst parked and that was the end of it. So sad.
Not that I need three Arondes, but I do remember them when they were being sold back in the sixties. I'm amazed that after a fortnight no-one on AF has admitted any interest. Never mind, they may be well known to a lot of Simcaphiles.

You and I must be the only people in Aus who refer to SIMCA enthusiasts as Simcaphiles.
Any correspondence I have with Simca Club people in Australia curiously refer to owners as Simcaites !! A very untidy terminology in my pedantic mind. Putting a hyphen between Simca and ites still doesn't soften the title. [Simca-ites].
Weren't the Simcaites one of the tribes kicked out of Israel in the dim distant past by a bloke with the jawbone of an ass or something??