theft of an MI16


Fellow Frogger
May 12, 2003
Now the door was forced open, the car was dumped a cuple of kilometers from my house, the rear suspension looks like it took a beating.. now here is the question how do you start an MI16 with out damaging the ignition barrel, and with out "hot wiring" it???
with a key i suppose
no idea
unless a previous owner didn't give you all the keys for the car and somehow someone got hold of a key
or we have clever crooks now with something like a skeleton key that starts anything
Now the door was forced open, the car was dumped a cuple of kilometers from my house, the rear suspension looks like it took a beating.. now here is the question how do you start an MI16 with out damaging the ignition barrel, and with out "hot wiring" it???
With aligator clips and wires, on the cables and ignition clips, its not hard... -chris
Once your inside most cars its not that hard to get em started, ones like top end mercs and BMW's are much harder. But i learnt alot from my stereo days.... im no theif.-chris
Now the door was forced open, the car was dumped a cuple of kilometers from my house, the rear suspension looks like it took a beating.. now here is the question how do you start an MI16 with out damaging the ignition barrel, and with out "hot wiring" it???
With aligator clips and wires, on the cables and ignition clips, its not hard... -chris
What about the steering lock if it was done this way though?

Any spare key in the glovebox, by chance?


yeah my dad and I were once in queensland when we snapped our car key (our only key) we were driving a 1965 mustang, we spent the next 5 days having to hotwire the car every time we started it.

We also had to develop our own security system for the car whilst it was keyless:

We kept a piece of fishing line tired tightly around the rear passenger door lock which was near invisible, on the end (which hung down out of sight) was a key ring... we had to force the window open slightly, drop a coathanger down there, hook it onto the keyring and pull :) then open the driver door and hotwire it wink

Worked well, we had it down to an art after a few days. Never got stopped and asked if we were stealing the car either!!!
Rod Hagen:
What about the steering lock if it was done this way though?
Yeah, usually you have to totally butcher the ignition switch to dissable the steering lock on Pugs.

Apparently on some cars you can break the steering lock just by giving the steering wheel a VERY big jerk, but this trick doesn't work on 504s and 505s because the steering lock pin is a piece of steel about 10mm across. I assume the 405 is something similar.

Mind you, I once had a 403 that I could start with any one of four different keys from four different ignition switches that I had acquired over the years!

Maybe buzzed's car was loaded on a flat top and did the suspension damage when it rolled off the back?


Dead right... I carry two spares with me most of the time.

Regarding the steering lock thing, I had a stepson tell me I should do this the other week with the 504 sedan. He's naturally enough heard of the method of just turning the wheel sharply, as you would with other cars.

I just wonder what would happen to the broken bits if you achieve it... like when you hit a bump as you come to a corner and they fall into a spot where they jam the steering on you?

The lug on the Pug steering column is also substantial.
far freakin thieves!!! don't hear about many pugs getting stolen... bad luck
Rod Hagen:
What about the steering lock if it was done this way though?

Any spare key in the glovebox, by chance?


Most steering wheel pins will pull out with earth magnets, or puched through the key hole itself, oh and on the back off some barrels you can get to the pin itself. another mehtod is a small air pump.
Squirt into the barrel and/or older neumatic style door locks and they will pop open....
When i did alarms i heard lots of hard luck stories....-chris
Did you also know that insurance companies do a thorough search of papers, web sites etc., for wiped cars that have been for sale in the last 6 months?
Rod Hagen:
What about the steering lock if it was done this way though?

Any spare key in the glovebox, by chance?


Most steering wheel pins will pull out with earth magnets, or puched through the key hole itself, oh and on the back off some barrels you can get to the pin itself. another mehtod is a small air pump.
Squirt into the barrel and/or older neumatic style door locks and they will pop open....
When i did alarms i heard lots of hard luck stories....-chris
In this case apparently there was no damage to the lock though, and no sign of hot wiring either.

Wouldn't this sort of attack on the ignition switch / steering lock cause some visible sugns?


another mehtod is a small air pump.
Squirt into the barrel and/or older neumatic style door locks and they will pop open....
When i did alarms i heard lots of hard luck stories
Once, found out that a tennis (halved) works in something like this way. Put it over and pump. Worked on an old dodge..... :confused:

Rod Hagen:
Rod Hagen:
What about the steering lock if it was done this way though?

Any spare key in the glovebox, by chance?


Most steering wheel pins will pull out with earth magnets, or puched through the key hole itself, oh and on the back off some barrels you can get to the pin itself. another mehtod is a small air pump.
Squirt into the barrel and/or older neumatic style door locks and they will pop open....
When i did alarms i heard lots of hard luck stories....-chris
In this case apparently there was no damage to the lock though, and no sign of hot wiring either.

Wouldn't this sort of attack on the ignition switch / steering lock cause some visible sugns?


Honestly Rod, im not sure.... im just considering the options that ive been encountered before... although how does he know that the thief didn't just break the pin.... We and i really not 100% with out looking at the car...
its such a shame i happened.. reminds me of Brads hard luck story...-chris
I take the rotor outta the 504 whenever i am away from it for too long.

If they can hotwire it to them then good on them.

I'm amazed that steering lock defeat is still being discussed.

As Dave said, you can't do it on the Pugs we know so well, and I suspect Renault and Citroen have or had similar setups. Which might go a ways to saying something about Frenchmen...

Whatever might happen with other cars, air or magnets, they won't work with the very direct function of the French setup, it's great as long as nothing goes wrong with it.

Not only that, you need to turn to lock with a key to remove it and disable the lock.

Which brings me to the day I did have something go wrong with mine... fortunately I was going slowly when it decided it wanted to function!