Revenue raising


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Fellow Frogger
Nov 1, 2010
I was driving along Williamstown road the other day and i noticed that there is a new weapon in the revenue raising arsenal. Parked on the other side of the road was a speed camera trailer.
I was driving along Williamstown road the other day and i noticed that there is a new weapon in the revenue raising arsenal. Parked on the other side of the road was a speed camera trailer.
We have quite a few of those down here in the Island State, they get moved around various sites.

There not only to detect speed, they also photo seat belt wearing and mobile phone usage.
In NSW they took away the warning signs for a while but eventually reversed that. But then it took many months to refit the vehicles to carry the signs and retrain all the camera operators (bet the lowlifes don't admit to that at a BBQ) at great expense. How hard can it be to safely put out a couple of signs on the footpath?
I'd go for brainwave monitoring especially in professional truck drivers. Simple, non invasive and accurate. Can't just now recall the study.
I'd go for brainwave monitoring especially in professional truck drivers. Simple, non invasive and accurate. Can't just now recall the study.
Going down Canterbury rd Kilsyth past the boral quarry most truckers pulling in from left are ok, but some still use the old i,m bigger than you and you don’t want your car bent so l,ll just mosey on out and you can adjust as required.i must admit if I,m in the left lane and right lane is clear I will move over to give them a chance to pull out.legacy of having driven trucks and buses I guess..jim
There are tests being developed for testing for tired drivers.

my wife has a pillow and blanket in the car , for resting.
She says some mornings after night shift at the hospital she has to stop on the side of the road to have a sleep.

Micro-sleep events scare the hell out of you.
Years back i was on my way down Geelong Road to pick up some sheep from Warnambool, i was tired so decided to pull over to a parking area and entered.
Had a Micro-sleep, just like instant all power off.
Shocked me . Gravel paddock not a roadway.
So now i just dawdle or stop, better to get home than dead.
With the buses the low floor public transport ones had around 8cameras in and around them when I retired four years ago,should have been a deterrent for drivers to do wrong thing but a few still got caught out while I was there,lost their jobs,the school/charter buses the company refused to fit dashcams in them due to privacy reasons so they say,more so cost,so most drivers had their own set up to cover their quoits coz any incident management would deem bus driver to be guilty and would have to prove their innocence.had one drive run up clacker of commodore which overtook him pulled in then brake checked him,bus full of secondary school kids,management went for the jugular,shut their mouths when presented with video evidence and union delegate..jim
There's not just micro-sleeps. It's quite possible to drive long distances virtually asleep, but with eyes open. A bit like sleep walking.
There's not just micro-sleeps. It's quite possible to drive long distances virtually asleep, but with eyes open. A bit like sleep walking.
I used to road race bikes and you get an idea of the possible level of concentration possible .
Using this as a rough reference point i sometimes estimate my level of concentration.
I don't listen to the stereo or mobile while driving like a lot of people because it reduces your level of concentration.
Even so sometimes when you are thinking about things in the car i am aware of the fall in concentration levels.
A lot of people don't have very good reflexes and response to changing situations , so i wonder if it is just good luck there are not more accidents.

Like some dumb people who drive in the middle of the dirt road on crests and corners.
Their excuse that it is the "Best part of the road".
Not going to end well, when two 2 ton vehicles collide.
Could agree with that if it were for serious or dangerous speeds and not a few km over the limit. Even in a shitbox,
one can get distracted watching traffic/what other drivers are likely to do, stray a few km over the limit. Even the F... deputy commissioner in Sicktoria was caught out. Should have listened to his fake mea culpa :rolleyes:
I go out sometimes, rarely on a therapeutic ride on my motorbike but every single time it is spoilt by the fact i have to watch for coppers , my concentration is about Highway patrol because i know i will get stopped before any "P' plater who is faster than me going into town.
130 klm/hr is common for "P" platers around Bega Valley .
Do i go to Canberra on the bike?
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I go out sometimes, rarely on a therapeutic ride on my motorbike but every single time it is spoilt by the fact i have to watch for coppers , my concentration is about Highway patrol because i know i will get stopped before any "P' plater who is faster than me going into town.
130 klm/hr is common for "P" platers around Bega Valley .
Do i go to Canberra on the bike?
Speed limit for motorbike riders could easily be 150 conditions permitting.
Bach in the days I used to get up to 200 on empty and clear day country roads. Perhaps it was slightly too fast but kept me focused 😆