Replacing AX Speedometer Cable


New member
Oct 15, 2004
Hey all,

My AXGT's (Series 2) speedo stopped working recently, altho briefly sprung to life once after that when going around a corner, and I'm guessing the cables going to need replacing.

I just rang my mechanic, and it's going to cost me a fair amount of dollars to do, as the dash etc needs to be removed..

Just wondering if anyone out there has done it before and whether its a job I could do myself instead?

Put the same message on There are loads of UK Ax and the guys there im sure would have done this before. :cool:
The speedo cable on an AX, like most other citroen cars, comes in 2 parts. There is a short part on the gearbox, about 12 inches long (from memory, I may be wrong) which screws into a longer part that goes through the firewall and into the dash. It would be worth your while to check which part is broken first don't you think? I've had 4 AX's, but they were all series 1 cars, so I can't really help you with how to get the instruments out.
It really shouldn't be a difficult job though, as long as you have a selection of torx screw drivers. One problem you might have though, is the steering wheel WILL need to be removed. Does the car have an airbag? I've never worked on a car with one, but I know there are important things you need to know about it before you start, to stop the airbag from going off! john s