RCC of Aust


Well-known member
1000+ Posts
Dec 14, 2003
Is anyone a member?
anyone been to events?

Just wondering what this group is like?

Older people?
younger people?
Like the odd drive?

etc etc
Hi Nate

Im the editor from the RCCA. I think you are on the Oz Clio Mailing List.. not sure. We are mainly a NSW based club... into social and sporting events. Drive days, picnics, concourses, motorkhanas, khanacrosses, plenty of the members have done speed events or rallying in their past. A few of the Clio mailing list members are also RCCA members. We are all a bunch of friendly people.. a lot of families, but dont take that the wrong way.. within many families there are husbands, wifes and children who get out into events in the khana series etc.

I'm the former Social Director (ret.) and was on the committee for the last 10 years. Still involved with the club but taking this year off from organising events. I can answer social activity questions with some authority.

I can only echo Craig's comments. I used to do circuit racing (Sports Sedans mainly) in non-renaults, but now I'm content to do the odd picnic drive/concourse type events and don't compete anymore.

The only comment I would make is that we don't currently cater for people who want to do drive day's at racetracks in terms of organising events - but who knows, if we get an influx of people who do want to do that sort of thing. That comment shouldn't put you off joining however.

We used to be a member of "Group 7" which enabled people to attend speed events organised by other member clubs - it evolved to be more than just the original seven clubs. I haven't heard of Group 7 for a couple of years so not sure if they are still going?

Other than that Craig's comments capture it all - our vehicle membership ranges from the earlier stuff (early 50's) through to each of the current crop (although I don't know if anyone yet has a new Megane - but we have a few cabriolets).

I'm surprised Craig didn't flog the website as this is a pretty good place to start (www.rccaustralia.com) - hope that's right, Craig can correct me i've got the address wrong.