parts from the uk!


New member
Fellow Frogger
Jan 7, 2004
good idea or bad?

Looking through the forum i realized that i might be of help. i live in london and own a pug 205 gti, i asume that that there are many more things that i can get for the 205 and 306 compared to auzzie, E.G Lexus rear lights or the new 3-d rear lights, also alot of carbon stuff. and also replacement parts. would it be a good idea to start involing myself into a personal shopper for people in oz that can't find the newest styling parts for their pugs?
You are 100% correct, we miss out on most stuff. You may get a FLOOD of requests, I'd suggest you don't go actively looking for parts, but if people can find them, get them to you, a forwarding service (for a modest fee) would be a very acceptable solution.

- XTC206 -
Ray Bell said:
Only styling parts?

Or might you be able to help with acquisition and shipping of mechanical parts... or even complete cars?

hmmmmm yes.

the prices you pommies pay for pugs is criminal! Plus all the after-market stuff you have available...

I think you could almost make a business out of it if you were to set it all up properly.

Youd need some contacts with some various shipping companies so you can get it all out here cheaply..

You reckon you could find me a cheap mi16x4 turbo?? :tongue: