"Liquid rubber" coating


The Comeback Kid
1000+ Posts
Fellow Frogger
Feb 21, 2018
This might come in handy for others.
I have a trailer which has been in my family for some years.
The cover is, as I now realise, made of fiberglass cloth, with a waterproof coating.
That has worn off in places on the top, and that in turn is allowing the fiberglass fibres to break, causing small holes.

I found this 'liquid rubber' coating online in Oz.
It's really cheap: $26 for 1l, and $12 post. Yet it seems like it will really stick well and renew the water sealing properties of the cover.
Where some small holes had appeared, I coated, then laid a strip of fiberglass, then worked the rubber through it.

I have only just done this, so I don't know about longevity, but is heaps cheaper than having repair patches sewn by a trimmer, let alone the considerable cost of a new cover.

rubber paint.jpg
Even better, foot thongs......
Other uses surely will spring to mind. :)