european GP (***SPOILER***)


Well-known member
Fellow Frogger
Mar 2, 2004
Sunshine Coast
just watching the race now. who else thinks that sato did something stupid runing the renault off the track going into the first corner of the first lap i think sato created a lot of the chaos. oh well i hope renault can manage at least one car on the podium. after what was a decent qualifying effort :renplak:
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orestes said:
just watching the race now. who else thinks that sato did something stupid runing the renault off the track going into the first corner of the first lap i think sato created a lot of the chaos. oh well i hope renault can manage at least one car on the podium. after what was a decent qualifying effort :renplak:
Not as stupid as the Williams pair into the first corner :( Gawd both Montoya and Ralf need a :trouslap:. The Mclaren circus continues as normal.

Results if your interested:

1. M Schumacher
2. R Barrichello
3. J Button
4. J Trulli
5. F Alonso
6. G Fisichella
7. M Webber
8. JP Montoya

Good result for the Renaults :) but both a long way behind team red :rolleyes: Good to see Webber get some points as well as Fisi :)
gti138 said:
Not as stupid as the Williams pair into the first corner :( Gawd both Montoya and Ralf need a :trouslap:. The Mclaren circus continues as normal.

Results if your interested:

1. M Schumacher
2. R Barrichello
3. J Button
4. J Trulli
5. F Alonso
6. G Fisichella
7. M Webber
8. JP Montoya

Good result for the Renaults :) but both a long way behind team red :rolleyes: Good to see Webber get some points as well as Fisi :)

good results yeah and even though i didnt really read them, and nothing against you it would be preferable if people who can get ITV live didn't post results in this kind of sitatuion not trying to be ofensive but chanel 10 doesn't broadcast live :(. as with regards to the race i think sato was a complete D***head in at least 2 situations as well as the idiocracies of ralf and jaun... lol
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orestes said:
good results yeah and even though i didnt really read them, and nothing against you it would be preferable if people who can get ITV live didn't post results in this kind of sitatuion not trying to be ofensive but chanel 10 doesn't broadcast live :(. as with regards to the race i think sato was a complete D***head in at least 2 situations as well as the idiocracies of ralf and jaun... lol
Yeah I dont get the live coverage here - but with the way things have been lately I tend to watch the updates from to find out if a race is worth watching - If you take Ferrari out it is actually really close and interesting :) Since we are tagging these threads with ***spoiler*** if you dont want to know the result - don't have a look :p

F1 drivers these days tend to be suffering from Brain Fade - always seems to be the same guys making the same kind of mistakes. Ahhh well.

Now it's time to work out if im going to stay up to watch the start of the Indy 500 or go to bed.... Hmmm decisions, decisions :confused:
i really have little intrest in indy. theres way to many oval tracks and theres only so many left hand turns you can watch in a row without getting dizzy or bored. give me a street circuit or a proper race track over an oval track any day of the week
orestes said:
i really have little intrest in indy. theres way to many oval tracks and theres only so many left hand turns you can watch in a row without getting dizzy or bored. give me a street circuit or a proper race track over an oval track any day of the week
The only reason I watch IRL/NASCAR/CART racing can be summed up in one word - Crashes!

Nothing is as spectacular as the crashes when they happen at such speed! 200MPH plus! The image of Kenny Brack's accident at an IRL round last year will forever be etched im my mind. Apparantly the data-loggers recorded G-Force in excess of 100g and to think that he survived the impact - don't know if he'll race again but wow....

EDIT: Found some images of the Brack crash - the last image has the cockpit of the car highlighted as it spins away. Figured it better to post the captures rather than a link to the movie file that I have (about 10mb) - Can upload it if anyone wants to see it.

Back to the topic - I actually enjoyed network 10's coverage of this week - wasnt nearly as try hard as it seems when their in the studio. Maybe they can travel to every GP to do a decent job of it!


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gti138 said:
The only reason I watch IRL/NASCAR/CART racing can be summed up in one word - Crashes!

Nothing is as spectacular as the crashes when they happen at such speed! 200MPH plus! The image of Kenny Brack's accident at an IRL round last year will forever be etched im my mind. Apparantly the data-loggers recorded G-Force in excess of 100g and to think that he survived the impact - don't know if he'll race again but wow....

Back to the topic - I actually enjoyed network 10's coverage of this week - wasnt nearly as try hard as it seems when their in the studio. Maybe they can travel to every GP to do a decent job of it!

crahses are ok to watch so long as the driver doesn't get hurt, there are crashes that will be forever etched in my mind for the wrong reason like the one that took the life of posibely the best F1 driver ayrton senna and i don't want to turn this isnto a senna vs schumacher thread but maybe schumacer wouldnt have had as much of a monopoly if senna was still around. thats the oonly thing i have against crashes (as long as its not me crashing). as with regards to the F1 race, i think they did a better job because they weren't analysing itv's coverage and had to work out what was going on for them selves
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If you know the F1 GP is on.... & there's a thread here about "European GP" after/during the race, if you dont want to see the results then didnt you think it was a "Safe" bet not to open the thread???

I accidently started a thread about Monaco without a subject with *Spoiler*, the next day & caught a few out... but my problem was in the subject line.

If you havent seen the race & wanna watch a tape, sleep in & hide under a rock! as you'll walk past any TV & the news will blurt it out!

Or become a die hard devoted fan & zombie the next day ;)

orestes said:
good results yeah and even though i didnt really read them, and nothing against you it would be preferable if people who can get ITV live didn't post results in this kind of sitatuion not trying to be ofensive but chanel 10 doesn't broadcast live :(. as with regards to the race i think sato was a complete D***head in at least 2 situations as well as the idiocracies of ralf and jaun... lol
Well it wasnt the best of GP's for Renault, a few incidents at the start put us in bad position & Alonso made a mistake :| But at the end of the day we still stretched the lead by a few points! So it wasnt all bad!

Is it getting points by default? well i dont think so, its a bit odd to not be one of the faster cars all the time & still be up there in 2nd, but there's no point having speed for 5 or 50 laps if you're not going to finish the GP!

Montoya, lovely crash mate... what did i say in the Monaco thread... Juan Pablo "i'll just drive into another car" Montoya... LOL how very true! I think they should start introducing penalties for obvious & stupid mistakes... i wouldnt call them racing incidents because they are (appear from my TV) avoidable & its only a very few drivers (Williams!!!) that are continually making them!!! (and costing the other teams $$$ & points).

Nice job on another solid GP Renault!
XTC206 said:
Thank goodness for Sato .. he may be a rougue ... but it least it's entertaining.

- XTC206 -

i wouldn't have a problem with sato if he only took feraries out :joker:
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I read in one of the mags - not sure if it was motor, wheels, or F1 racing... but they did a championship table not including Ferrari. Was a very close thing - I pretty much only watch the races these days for everything else. Unless of course you get a race like Monaco where the unexpected happens!
yes monaco allways brings up the odd ball winner but in monaco it isn't really about the go fast ability that things like the :renplak: seem to be missing. i think what the F1 might need to even up the score between ferari and the rest is more tight street circuits, and i think this could be entertaining
I heard the interview that Mick Doohan did with Bernie E. Was along the lines of the more things they change the more things stay the same.

I dont know if anything short of a major technical shakeup will stop the ferrari bandwagon - they have the most $$ and the best resources. Roll on 2008!
gti138 said:
I heard the interview that Mick Doohan did with Bernie E. Was along the lines of the more things they change the more things stay the same.

I dont know if anything short of a major technical shakeup will stop the ferrari bandwagon - they have the most $$ and the best resources. Roll on 2008!

hmm, maybe a decent mclaren team with drivers like mika hakinen and damon hill behind the wheels, if either would come out of retirement from F1 and mclaren would get there act together. also maybe another peugeot mclaren might sought there problems with reliability out :joker: the only guys that have managed to do anything decent with the peugeot engine of late is jordan
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orestes said:
hmm, maybe a decent mclaren team with drivers like mika hakinen and damon hill behind the wheels, if either would come out of retirement from F1 and mclaren would get there act together. also maybe another peugeot mclaren might sought there problems with reliability out :joker: the only guys that have managed to do anything decent with the peugeot engine of late is jordan
Damon is too old now - and I dont know if he would have won a championship if he wasnt in the Williams at the time... Mika - he's ruled out a comeback. There is the big thing about McLaren running their new chassis on Tuesday - I think they need to get Illmor/Mercedes off their asses in the Engine department. Most if not all retirements this year have been caused by Engine faults!
Good job by Webber, though I was amazed at the cars lack of pace compared to Toyota and all through-out the weekend. That car is getting nowhere - fast! At least they didn't have diamonds to hand out.

Despite Barrichello's second, I still firmly believe that if something happened to Schumacher and Ferrari had to rely on him, they'd be stuffed - Monaco was a good example of this.

Too bad BAR or Renault coundn't have given them a better run for their money, but as Schumacher said himself, anyone who thinks Ferrari had lost their touch have only to see the results.

Zantetsuken said:
Good job by Webber, though I was amazed at the cars lack of pace compared to Toyota and all through-out the weekend. That car is getting nowhere - fast! At least they didn't have diamonds to hand out.
Tis funny - I thought the Jag was pretty well on the pace considering it's 2 stop strategy in comparison to everyone one else - apart from Fisi - who was on 3 stoppers. Webber's fastest lap was 1:31:893 @ 201.678 average in comparison to Panis 1:32:506 @ 200.341. Most interesting to note was that Webber's fastest lap was faster than DC in the McLaren who seemed to be moving quite quickly until his engine did a Mercedes and blew up!

Zantetsuken said:
Despite Barrichello's second, I still firmly believe that if something happened to Schumacher and Ferrari had to rely on him, they'd be stuffed - Monaco was a good example of this.
This is no secret - Ferrari know this - The word is that when MS retires a deal will be done with McLaren to allow Kimi to go to Ferrari in exchange for Ross Brawn. That way Ferrari have a top-line driver to replace MS and McLaren get a technical director which they so desperately need at the moment!

I'm pleased to see teams like Renault & BAR making progress forwards. Alternatively - Teams like McLaren and Williams are not really moving at all.