dirty injectors


Fellow Frogger
Sep 27, 2001
I thought it would be best to place a new subject with a simple question. :)

If the mi16 or any other car for that matter has done alot of km. then injectors are definetly not working as they should ?

SO that means the engines performance gradually gets worst... since the ECU was programmed for healthy injectors :)

In my case does is it safe to say i will see an improvment in drivability, acceleration if i get them cleaned at bosh? assuming that they are not performing as they should...


I can't tell you what the recommended mileage is to get injectors cleaned, but I would imagine around 100,000 klms would be a fair guess. The problem with dirty injectors is that the spray pattern gets messed up when they start to get dirty and can tend to give it a smaller squirt of fuel or an intermittent one or have it spraying in one direction rather than in a spray pattern.
We have also just discovered by "accident" (car caught fire :rolleyes: :mad: that the rubber "O" ring type seals on the injectors temselves can also create some hassles as regards smooth running & idling and are something often overlooked. They are very cheap & easy to replace and as we have discovered can cause a catastrophic result if not replaced after a period of time as they go hard & as well as leak can actually rupture & spray fuel inside the engine compartment. :eek:
The cleaning & the "O" rings I feel will give a big improvement if they've never been done before. Presumably the ECU would make allowance to a degree but I doubt that the ECU would make a drastic difference apart from allowing the carto run in some sort of fashion :rolleyes:

Alan S
Sorry for the misleading info. I've replaced the original ECU with a programmable Haltech. Thus mapped it with the dirty injectors, and have subsequently continued to refine the maps over time. When I put the clean injectors in I'll have to do it all again.
Might be a silly question, but have you tried some Wynnes Spitfire. I've used some of it in an old injected 'D' that hadn't run in 15years, it really seemed to make a difference... Hopefully it just wasn't the fact the motor hadn't run in years and was clearing itself out :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

My Grandfather reckons the stuff is OK though, he's been a mechanic for 50years, so if he says something 'seems' to work... Well it'll work....

Shane L.
I've cleaned injectors before successfully with Shellite. You need a bit of gear though, like something to simulate an ECU (a sqaure wave generator works well), fuel pump, and four graduated measuring cylinders. Easy if you work in a school. This will sort most problems out, but the service I paid for @ $22 ea., replaces both o-rings and filter, ultrasonic clean and most importantly, back flushes the injectors.
Thanks everone,

I will be having them ultrasonicly cleaned at 10 us dollars each here ... sometime next week

I tried once to remove them but the wouldnt release from the intake manifold :( and yes i removed all that has to be removed before pulling them out.

If it was possible to remove one at a time then it would have been much easier but ill have to remove 4 at once with the fuel rail ???
I am also having mine cleaned at some stage as my 19 has now done 150000km on the clock but in australia i have been quoted $AUD300 to have the whole lot cleaned removed/refitted. I dont know if this is reasosble but the guy at colliers in sydney knows what hes doing?
$300 sounds like alot.
Is Colliers a dealer?
Just go to a Bosch dealer and they can do it for you.


Inj Nr Flow rate ml
1 28
2 28,5
3 29
4 28,5


Inj Nr Flow rate ml
1 29
2 29
3 29
4 29

Didnt make that much of a difference..... performancewise. frown
Does anyone know how much an mi16 injector is supposed to flow??

PeterT i suppose you have different injectors ?
The value from the test depends on what injection time they've used. eg 10ms injection opening time will deliver twice as much fuel as 5ms for a given time and pressure. I think Mi16 injectors are rated at 160ml/min. I'm not sure how they derive this figure. I do know they're on the boarder line of 80% duration however, and if you've got big cams you'll need more juice.
Did you know that OZ spec mi16 injectors are the same as UK spec 8v (205 GTi/405 SRi) injectors.

I only just fitted larger injectors a few months ago, if i go ahead with my other mods i'll need to change them again.

Right, but i think its the same in sweden regarding the injectors being the same as in the 8 V engine.

Not sure but ill check it out.
$300AUD did sound like a lot to me When David collier told me that that was the price for my car. (renault 19). Half of that cost he told me was labour!!
Pull them out yourself and take them to:
Graham Lowe Automotive Repairs
Unit 1/ 2 -4 Anvil Rd Seven Hills 2147

It's a very easy job.
The injectors from the 205 gti and 405 mi16 ARE the same.

are those the injectors that are good for 195 bhp ? or is it the injectors in the mi16 without a cat that are good for 195 bhp ?
All 205 and 405 injectors are the same. A friend of mine recently put some slightly richer injectors in his series 2 405 8V. It now goes very well! I'll find out what size they were.