Cyprus rally


Fellow Frogger
May 8, 2004
Hi all

Does anyone else here think it sucks that the 307 was disqualified on it's first win?? I do. But i guess they broke the rules(probably without realising it) and the wrc are very stricked.
hey and who else agrees that this dancing banana is cool> :banana:
gti138 said:
Erm - yeah - but there are already 2 threads running about WRC cyprus. Want to post to one of them? :)
I was thinking of saying something ... but last time it was taken the wrong way.

- XTC206 -

PS: this if my current fav ...
XTC206 said:
I was thinking of saying something ... but last time it was taken the wrong way.

- XTC206 -

PS: this if my current fav ...
I suggest someone start the Acropolis thread now. Rally is next week end I think.
XTC206 said:
OK ... and while you're at it ... start the German F1 thread too :)

- XTC206 -
EUROPEAN GP thank you very much (just happens to be in germany). ;)
hehe, lists it as Euro and I heard the "gurus of motoracing" in the RPM program mention Euro as well. Which isnt to say they are right. :) :mallet:

weeee, another sleepless night regardless of whats its called. Please make it a good one although judging by what Coultard said there is only one passing spot in the whole circuit, so maybe it will be just a procession.... 10:30pm EST, fingers crossed asking for a miracle, an exciting F1 race...
tekkie said:
hehe, lists it as Euro and I heard the "gurus of motoracing" in the RPM program mention Euro as well. Which isnt to say they are right. :) :mallet:

weeee, another sleepless night regardless of whats its called. Please make it a good one although judging by what Coultard said there is only one passing spot in the whole circuit, so maybe it will be just a procession.... 10:30pm EST, fingers crossed asking for a miracle, an exciting F1 race...
It's one hell of a night for motor racing fans - Espescially if you have Foxtel - 6:30: World Superbike Championships
10:30: Euro GP
01:00: Indy 500
06:00: Nascar

Its just a pitty that I have to go to work tomorrow :cry: Otherwise it would be well and truly a sleepless night.
XTC206 said:
I was thinking of saying something ... but last time it was taken the wrong way.

- XTC206 -

I don't know quite how to approach this, are all French car enthusiasts like this? Talk as if you aren't even here and don't exist?

I already posted why I started a new thread before, and apologised to those who it bothered, and I'm still copping criticism as though I don't read these forums at all.

Always been a French car enthusiast, best friend has a C5, but boy the reception I've had on these forums has just been terrible. The attitude of one or two members astounds me.

My apologies for getting off topic.

Zantetsuken said:
I don't know quite how to approach this, are all French car enthusiasts like this? Talk as if you aren't even here and don't exist?
Sorry dude :( ... not meaning to payout :whip: ... but you have to remember that some of us know each other for quite a long time - from other boards, forums, websites, personally meeting (and have plenty of private e-mails that fly around between ourselves) and some of the issues/topics of contention that come up, we have seen dozens of times before ... so we get a little jaded by it (insert rolling the eyes smilie here -> :rolleyes: ) ... doesn't give anyone a license to be rude though, appologies if you feel this way. :disappr:

- XTC206 -
XTC206 said:
Sorry dude :( ... not meaning to payout :whip: ... but you have to remember that some of us know each other for quite a long time - from other boards, forums, websites, personally meeting (and have plenty of private e-mails that fly around between ourselves) and some of the issues/topics of contention that come up, we have seen dozens of times before ... so we get a little jaded by it (insert rolling the eyes smilie here -> :rolleyes: ) ... doesn't give anyone a license to be rude though, appologies if you feel this way. :disappr:

- XTC206 -

I don't think anyone has been rude, just stating the facts that the thread already existed. That isn't being rude.
XTC206 said:
I was thinking of saying something ... but last time it was taken the wrong way.

- XTC206 -

PS: this if my current fav ...

Id have to agree thats a good one but nothin to the dancin banana :banana: