A comparison between an electric VS ICE 'trucks', highway van towing trip. American.

Single phase, have to get a sparky to calculate the drop on a 200 metre underground line. Yes. shearing sheds are hungry things. Fifty years ago it cost a lot to put our long spur line in but I'm glad we went that way instead of a generator. At one stage after privatisation they were going to give us a generator and disconnect but now they support remote rural lines. Powercor is a lot better now. Power reliability has improved and brown outs are rare now. Anyway I've always had a vested interest in power industry politics and keep an eye on things. And I really think we're running close to the edge.
Might be able to recommision and run some gear off it.😉

Steam engines disappeared in the 1920's to be replaced by big kero engines. Must have been high maintenance. Casterton used to generate its own power with a steam generator fueled by red gum. Mains electricity only got to the western border in 1967.