406 SV Opinions Please


New member
Fellow Frogger
Jun 8, 2001
I'm considering buying a 406 SV Sedan. I would like get your subjective views on this car. Good points, bad points etc... Hope I've come to the right place!

I'm especially interested in info about the auto gearbox as it always gets bagged in the reviews I read. Is it really that bad?

Also, what does the luxury pack offer? I can't find a black and white description of this anywhere.
Originally posted by AndrewCowley:
I'm considering buying a 406 SV Sedan. I would like get your subjective views on this car. Good points, bad points etc... Hope I've come to the right place!

Sorry Andrew, its possibly too new for many of us to have had much experience with such a car.
My old man however has a 406 2 Litre. If this car had an auto it would get burnt off by a 120Y Datsun. Positively lethargic with even the 5 speed manual-except when you get above 90kmh when it seems to settle into highway munching mode and eats Commodores alive.

I can only suggest driving the car in auto form. Also the V6 will help dramatically in the cars tractability.
Finally-sometimes the car reviews can be overtly critical whereas the common man may not notice any problem at all in normal driving situations. I have first hand experience in this from some of the cars I have owned or driven. The magazine says one thing but I didn't notice any 'fault' until it was pointed out to me, and even then I didn't find it a problem to live with.

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