2005 407 SV entertainment and navigation system

Chris Sp

Sep 11, 2004
Colac, Victoria
Hi all; Checking the boot of my recently purchased 2nd hand 407, I found a box with bits and wiring of a car navigation & entertainment system. I am presuming that a previous owner had replaced the original 'head'? of the control panel in the car. I must admit that I have found the control panel quite difficult to get my head around, and still haven't worked out the heating controls, let alone change the clock! I was hoping to find a manual with the replacement system, but there's no sign of any brand name other than My Car Life, nor serial number to research.
On a related matter, earlier on I was able to switch between screens on the navigation system. I was kept interested in the screen that showed in which direction the car was moving. I can't locate that screen any more, although I notice when the system fires up, it passes through the screen with the direction of travel, before finishing at the radio. (btw, the radio reception in this vehicle is atrocious - does anyone outside of Melbourne share this view?)
Anyone else have thoughts on these issues?