Pump is in.

Pierre anthony

VIP Paid Subscriber
Fellow Frogger
Jul 20, 2020
Cranbourne vic
The replacement pump is in and active but still no action. Do I have to open the bleed screw at the rear to get the fluid to circulate?
Having done pump swapout job on a C5, when you start the car the pump should run (you can hear it, quite audible) for a good minute or two before the car starts to lift. That is the bleeding process. Obviously the LHS tank is full before turning the ignition. Good luck.
Having done pump swapout job on a C5, when you start the car the pump should run (you can hear it, quite audible) for a good minute or two before the car starts to lift. That is the bleeding process. Obviously the LHS tank is full before turning the ignition. Good luck.
Thanks David, I did start it just to see if it worked, going to buy some more fluid tomorrow then complete the bleed process
Thanks David, I did start it just to see if it worked, going to buy some more fluid tomorrow then complete the bleed process
Hi David, Fluid level is dropping slowly haven't topped up yet. It's been 3 days, still flat, last time it took 4 days to get some action, I lifted the rear end up with a jack then it seemed to wake up.
Having done pump swapout job on a C5, when you start the car the pump should run (you can hear it, quite audible) for a good minute or two before the car starts to lift. That is the bleeding process. Obviously the LHS tank is full before turning the ignition. Good luck.
Does your C5 pump start when you open any of the doors and run on for about 30 seconds after you shut down?
Yes it does that does yours? So with engine running pressing the suspension buttons in the centre console doesnt wake the suspension?
I finally got it to lift the rear by using the lift button just have to wait for the front to pressurise, have to go get some more fluid tomorrow. Yes, mine does that too, the console control isn't responding the computer keeps giving me request denied then the diagram tells me that the car is level another sensor maybe? I'm persisting with this car as I miss the way it pampered me during the drive to see my Mum in Orbost
You will need to check what the height sensors are saying very common to spin on the sway bar
I have checked their positions on the sway bars front and back, they are rock solid, with no movement. Connections are ok.
Maybe the relay is failing... sticking on and sticking off.....??
I thought that same thing. I have some Valeo relays in my shed I'll try some of them and see if that fixes it.
Sounds to me that the ownership of a C5 is not a good experience. I think I will stick with my CX!
Hi Gerry, strange you say that, I'm looking at a CX2400 Pallas C-Matic like the one I used to have. It looks ok I just have to find the time to go have a look. It's on FB market place.
Yes it does that does yours? So with engine running pressing the suspension buttons in the centre console doesnt wake the suspension?
Yes, it does all that but just won't stop running. The height buttons are talking to the computer, it's just the computer isn't getting the right information I think.
Hi Gerry, strange you say that, I'm looking at a CX2400 Pallas C-Matic like the one I used to have. It looks ok I just have to find the time to go have a look. It's on FB market place.
They are great if they haven't been neglected. If neglected, allow a few years for the faults to come through and therefore be identified and fixed. Eventually they are all fixed.....
They are great if they haven't been neglected. If neglected, allow a few years for the faults to come through and therefore be identified and fixed. Eventually they are all fixed.....
Yes that is my experience and I am still sorting! LH track rod is the next item on the agenda!