F1 - 2024 - Hamilton to join Ferrari in 2025


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Fellow Frogger
Jun 25, 2011
Brisbane Qld
Hamilton is reported to be joining Ferrri in 2025. Perhaps the fact that Max is earning more than him is annoying him and he decided to address the issue :evil: :evil::evil::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I wonder how the cost/benefit analysis looks for such a move by Ferrari? It will be interesting to see if Hamilton can stop the Prancing Horse's habit of making strategic blunders that cost them races.
I don't think Sir Lewis would be doing it just for the money anymore.
In a Ferrari, that's quite likely, but his options are limited with Merc being off boil last couple of years and I can't see Red Bull wanting him. I could see him and Max making team dynamics s interesting.
I wonder how the cost/benefit analysis looks for such a move by Ferrari? It will be interesting to see if Hamilton can stop the Prancing Horse's habit of making strategic blunders that cost them races.
The cost/benefit looks very substantially in Ferrari's favour. Their stock value went up by quite a few Billion dollars overnight after he was signed up!
lol yeah I saw that too, 6 billion bucks!

Sounds like a pretty good deal.

Sport be crazy.
Migth not be a bad move, particularly if Merc dont improve and Red Bull implodes
