R8 Headlamp Switch


Fellow Frogger
May 21, 2011
Have most of the wiring re-done on the green machine.. but.. as the headlight switch has been played with I would like help with how it was meant to work from original. As in, what positions turn what lights on? What do the top and bottom switches do (i believe the bottom one is not used on Aussie delivered cars)? And, what is the momentary switch at the bottom of the stalk travel for?

I have my theories.. but any advice is welcome. And if anyone has come up with a better way to wire it up that would be appreciated.
The left stalk determines which lights are on - parkers, low, high beam & hi beam flash. That stalk is normally left on low beam and the rocker switch on top of the steering column turns them on & off. That's on my 10 anyway which I think is the same as your 8 ?
Just to add to J Man's explanation (which is correct btw):

The rocker switch at the top simply turns lights on or off based on the position of the stalk (ie if you leave the stalk in the high beam position and switch the lights off, the next time you switch them on they will still be on high beam). The rocker switch below does nothing as you already know.

The left stalk controls most functions. The momentary motion to the bottom is high beam for whilst ever you hold it down (The "flash" function for overtaking). The next stage moving vertical is parkers; then low beam; then high beam. The momentary motion inwards is the horn. Some 10's (can't remember about 8's) had two horns (Town and country) whereby the pressure you pushed with sounded either one or both horns from memory.

The right stalk is just indicators (which are supposed to be self-cancelling but rarely do. There is a fine spring inside which is usually missing or broken). I don't think I've ever driven an 8 or 10 with the self-cancelling working and I've owned lots!

Oops, forgot to mention the horn :rolleyes: thanks KB :D

On the Dauphine, that bottom switch was to choose between town or country horns (also not used in Australia). I wonder what it is there on the 8 and 10 for in other markets :confused:
Okay J-M & KB,

There's no time like the present... The self cancelling indicators will work if the proper spring is in place and not over or under lubricated.

Let's get us a batch of the said springs and lead a resurgence in R8, R10 indicators self cancelling.

Viva la (counter) revolution !!!

I assumed mine didn't cancel due to the SAAS sports steering wheel on it that it came with when i bought it. I've never taken it off to check the springs or if it's got the tag on the back of the wheel to trigger the cancelling device. Pretty slack i know, :nownow: but i must admit, it hasn't really bothered me that much that they don't cancel. Would be better if they did though :)
Hi All,
I have used the spring out of an old rear main bearing oil seal. If you have one look inside it will be there. Mine has always worked even on the race car the return is working.
You need to tune the length before putting the steering back.

The spring!

It wraps around the column so no reason for any hub to make it not self cancel.
Hi All,
I have used the spring out of an old rear main bearing oil seal. If you have one look inside it will be there. Mine has always worked even on the race car the return is working.
You need to tune the length before putting the steering back.


OK Frans, show us a pic! :D
We marvel at your enginuity - I have turned them off by hand since 1985
Thank you everyone.. I have powered the switch up and checked all positions with a test light and things just did not quite add up..

KB, your description sorted it all out. I had been assuming that parkers were at the top.

Think I may utilise the lower switch for hazard lights, seems a shame to have a switch that isn't used. Especially seeing as how I have just removed 9 switches from the dash that a previous owner had installed.

This car is continuing to amaze me.. Jodie was always the one that loved Renault's, I was just happy to get a new project, but the idea of self cancelling indicators, 4 wheel disc brakes and rack & pinion on a 1963 car is astounding.

I have a whole heap of the indicator cancelling springs (probably more than 10).

Let me check, and then I'll start accepting orders.


Frans i only know one other who could think to you caliber, That's my father and i believe you two could have some amazing conversations.
Cheers Peter.
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Do you still need a pic??:banana:

The secret is to imagineer

Well I figure, I may get a couple off springs off Rob or I may not - he may be teasing. But at least by posting your pic you will help someone possibly many, even if not me! :)

:cool:An annoying bright flashing light helps turns my indicator off, one for me too please
Well there's your answer Frans.
Yes, we need a pic - Rob will run out of springs long before the customers are sated, but your fix is about being self-sufficient.
Hi All,
No pic this time because then I will have to remove either the cover or the s/wheel. :cry:

No difference in installing the oil seal spring to the original spring. Hook it and turn 1 full turn around steering shaft and hook it to the other side. Test. If it doesn't return the arm shorten the spring and repeat. Test etc.

The oil seal spring might be of better quality because I think they last longer.



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Well Rob came through for me, so I spent a half-hour today installing one into the Green R8. Not road tested yet, but they worked whilst in the confines of the garage.

Thanks Rob. And Frans, next time I need one, I'll implement your fix. Thanks to both of you.