ZF auto info.

Looks like it's worth getting. 250 pages of fairly technical info on the ZF 4HP-20 auto gearbox. It's even in english.

Be nice if someone with Broadband could drop it on CD.

Doesn't have any interest for me, but there's a few with autos that often get described as "a disaster waiting to happen," so should be of interest amongst some owners you'd reckon.

Alan S
Alan S said:
Be nice if someone with Broadband could drop it on CD.

Doesn't have any interest for me, but there's a few with autos that often get described as "a disaster waiting to happen," so should be of interest amongst some owners you'd reckon.

Alan S

If I remember I will have a go at it at that place I go to each week day... I have a funny feeling that someone else has shoved this under my nose somewhere on CD though?
Alan S said:
Be nice if someone with Broadband could drop it on CD.

Alan S
Downloading it now Alan.
Will report back.


17MB as a Word document, 4MB as a pdf file.

Can you handle the pdf file or do you wanted it on CD in the post?


PS. Can anyone provide me with a similar manual for the 3 HP22?
Ideally for the 505, but any will do.
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Hi Warwick,

On the same site even :) .


Plus lots of other manuals - (I am not sure about the legality of posting Haynes comic books, but...)

There seems to be lots of 405 stuff there too.


PS - for sendinglarge files I am using a service called


which is (at present :wink2: ) free - you upload the file - it sends and email to the recipient, they (and others) can download the files for a week. I have sent 40mb files with it - works fine. They might ultimately use my emaal addy for spam I suppose, but I just turn up the spam filters :wink2: .
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Paul Smith said:
Plus lots of other manuals - (I am not sure about the legality of posting Haynes comic books, but...)
Thanks Paul,
Don't worry, I have no intention of downloading it anyway. I've found that if I shut my eyes and concentrate hard, I can sort of visualize the bits that I might be interested in, just by holding a print-out from the Forum web page with the link address written on it.

So far it's worked quite well, if you ignore the time I almost finished fitting a '59 Bedford rear-end to a CX before my wife pointed out that it seemed to be the wrong colour.

Someone reckoned this morning that if you unzip the Doc. files they're in there in jpg format.

"Have you noticed that when unzipped each page is a .jpg file!!!"

Alan S
Alan S said:
Someone reckoned this morning that if you unzip the Doc. files they're in there in jpg format.

"Have you noticed that when unzipped each page is a .jpg file!!!"

Alan S
The 4HP20 doc file is just that. It downloads into MS Word and is just a normal Word document, able to be edited etc.
