where do all the leaves go ?


Active member
Fellow Frogger
Nov 14, 2010
After leaves collect in the area at the base of the windscreen wipers where do they go next next if you don't fish them out ?
Hmm :)
Well in the old days they built up in there and eventually fell out the holes when the area rusted out !!! :eek:
I note newer cars seem to have better larger areas to allow the stuff out but they still block up and the water overflows inside through the ventilation system. I try to hose the stuff out when I hose the car to keep it clear. We have lots of trees. PITA. 🥴
The North Shore problem!

The C5 scuttle at each end is designed to collect and compost them. Some of the lighter deposits like liquidambar pollen will end up in the cabin filter, but the leaves, particularly heavy gum leaves, stay put. So does dirt.

Under the grille there is a space over each wheel arch, which has a drain into the space between the liner and the cabin body. The hole is far too small for leaves to pass and compost collects. In the DS3 the hole has a rubber affair which hastens the process. Remove or slide apart as appropriate for model, clean and hose out. Look for corrosion, but the paint is usually good.

I have removed the rubber trims to enlarge the openings, but it only delays the cleanout.

I once had a car where dust turned into caked mud behind the wheel arch and set off rusting.
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While we are pondering thing’s philosophical, where does all the rubber that abrades from road tyres go? There must be millions of tonnes of very small rubber particles somewhere. I wonder if the particles are mobile in storm water and get flushed into either freshwater creeks and reservoirs or flushed into the oceans.
There used to be filling sand mining from upper Middle Harbour. It was black, from degraded asphalt and rubber washed off suburban roads, rather than from mud, which was washed out.
we have some brush turkeys nesting in our garden ,they sure can shift leaves ,looks like someone has been through with a dustpan and brush then a vacuum cleaner ,they are amazing ,we had a peugeot 405 that used to gum up the vents with leaves and threaten to put the ecu under water in heavy rain ,interesting
While we are pondering thing’s philosophical, where does all the rubber that abrades from road tyres go? There must be millions of tonnes of very small rubber particles somewhere. I wonder if the particles are mobile in storm water and get flushed into either freshwater creeks and reservoirs or flushed into the oceans.

Becomes part of the "ecological food chain" living things live off (digest) minute particles, then the remainder gets digested and passed to the next in line. :poop:

Scientists have even harnessed such living things to mine mankind's wanted minerals from the depths of the earth's crust. There was one such mining lab at Latrobe University, devoted to researching ways to refine the mining benefit from exploiting earth's natural systems.

The planet and what we are slowly learning from studying the universe is the remarkable ability it has to deal with the things that seemingly get discarded. Till we know all, it's pretty much Wild assed guessing...........I guess ;) :unsure: :spy:

With a brush turkey mound, I'm surprised Pugwash still has a garden. They will even collect the leaves from over a road.
One of the earliest composting systems that doesn't need worms.