Torx sizes at 306


New member
Fellow Frogger
Jan 17, 2004
What kind of torx screws do I have in my 306 SR, 1.6L, 1995 year?

Please forgive me about my english..
I'm talking about the whole car.
I want to buy a set of torx screwdriver and I want to buy only the ones that match my car.
306's mainly use M10-M35.. but even a simple set will have most that you need. Are you buying individual T bars? if so don't bother id recommend a simple multy bit 1 hadle screwdriver attachment style, if this makes sence. As for your Eglish, well we like our frogs well done and my typing is as bad as i gets here.-chris
I was thinking about a set of screwdrivers which is similiar to a swiss pocketknife.
In that case, I would have all of the sizes I need. I just wanted to be sure that the tool I'm talking about is fit for my purpose.

BTW - are you sure well done is the best way to cook a frog?..