Speedweek; the aussiefrogs connection.

Alan S

Well-known member
1000+ Posts
Mar 4, 2001
Queensland, Australia
Remember to watch "Speedweek" on SBS Sunday May 23.

If all goes well, it should have the action from Q R last weekend where the car ny son does the ECU and dyno work on was running.
It was an hour long race and the car is a red Fairlady number 5 with Gerry Geltch driving. Unfortunately it had a crank angle sensor go pop after 35 minutes when running 5th but some interesting stuff while he was there such as the ex Peter Fitgerald Porsche that passes him coming out of a corner & who he comes back at & dusts him off to the tune of 8 or 10 car lengths down the straight and the Dodge Viper who was "getting under his feet" and who he does an Ingall on by promptly turning him around... :mallet:

It's all beginning to happen for them seeing as how they're only a small team (Air Fraser Island Racing Team) but there's a lot of money going in the right direction obviously.
I only saw a few bits and they were pretty disjointed as Brad couldn't handle the camera as he was involved in the Pits at the time, so we're hoping the "pros" did the right thing. :confused:

Alan S :afplak:
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Watched this today Alan, it certainly was great viewing as you said. With a mixture of the Porsche's and and Viper, through to the little Westfield and the Fairlady, and then on to the Mx5's, the hour period in which they were racing looked to be quite hectic.

By geeze though, that big American lump really loved to understeer into some of those corners in the later part of the race, and then when it looked about time for the 'token brake failure', it started farting out oil.

Commiserations to your son and the team racing the Fairlady, it was looking very good out there indeed! Best of luck for all envolved in the future with this car.
