

Active member
Fellow Frogger
Jul 28, 2001
I've noticed that at the bottom of each post there is a number indicating how many posts a particular member has posted. This number doesn't seem to increment after a member has posted a new topic or reply untill he/she logs out. Have a look at a topic that has a few replies and look for a member that has posted more than once and you'll see what I mean.

Is this supposed to happen?


Ralph. :confused:
Of course. Computers never do anything they're not supposed to!

Anyone in IT Support will be able to tell you that. That's why we all turn up at work each day and post messages on bully boards.

(I think there's a fault in my argument here, I just can't quite figure out where it is)

evil tongue evil tongue :D
I would say this is becasue the "Number of Posts" entry is a field that is filled out when you load the page, therefor if you go back to the 1st post you ever made it will show the current number you have now, not at the time of the post.
Yes as Phasis says.

Since a little while ago the board only creates a page as they are requested, ie. older posts are stored as a small text file & when requested are then turned into html file.

When a previously accessed file is modified, the html version is immediately updated in the cache on the server making it real time (& faster access).

If anyone in the post has made changes to their avatar or info it will also have updated which wasn't the case with the older versions wink