More P 505 Aircond


Fellow Frogger
Sep 5, 2001
All this discussion about the aircond system inspired me to have another look at why I'm not getting any air from the lower vents in my car (series one 505). I was having a look at the vacuum hoses where they hook into the selector switch, and noticed that there appears to be a hose missing - I have a total of 6 connectors on the switch (I assume for the 6 different aircond modes) and only 5 hoses connected leaving one with no hose connected. I thought before I began pulling the interior apart to locate mystery vacuum hose number 6, I'd check to see if this is the source of the problem. Wouldn't want to pull the car apart only to discover that there is only supposed to be 5 hoses! Presently there is a yellow and a blue vacuum hose that goes up into the internals of the car, and three black hoses which go down into the centre console *somewhere* - the challenge is where to start looking for mystery hose number 6 (assuming it even exists) - up, or down??!?
hi liam,the spare outlet is not used,its a vacuum release port for the position switch.dont plug it up.didnt i send you a fax of the vacuum hose layout ages ago.if not email me with your fax number and ill send it the way how are your mags,i suppose you got them ok or i would have heard by now,i didnt see the finished product,was up to your expectations. :p
Stuart, got the fax, but the res on my machine isn't so good - was hard to make out what was what - most of it turned out black. Glad to hear that I don't have to go hunting for the hose (that doesn't exist), would have been really painful job.

Got the gti mags a few weeks ago, they came up a treat with the powder coating. Am going to hold off putting them on the car until it's repainted - wouldn't want over spray on them!