FYI Scenic in Australia


Good Sport
1000+ Posts
Fellow Frogger
Jul 6, 2001
Dont know if anyone is interested but there was 2 adventurers that have been going around the world in a scenic Rx4.
They have finally come to Australia. I dont anything more than that but have contacted Renault to find out more.

Will keep you all updated as to what is going on... wink
Sounds groovy - I don't know if my Rx4 would make it all the way 'round the world - it's just back from the repair shop after a $13,000 front end 'modification' caused by an idiot who doesn't understand the word "stop" when it's on a big red sign.
God that sounds awful. Hope it is still under warranty actually.
Its horrible when idiots run into you. I go out of my mind.
BTW: have not heard anything from Renault in relation to this world scenic trek yet have left them another message.
Try this:

<a href="" target="_blank">Scenic RX4</a>

or this:

<a href="" target="_blank">Official Site</a>

Found this by typing "scenic rx4 world trip" into Google. Easy.

<small>[ 22 August 2002, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: Europa ]</small>
Dad saw them last night on his way home from work on Victoria Road = they were heading east to the city from Parramatta at about 5:30pm - it is French registered, and has the 1.9 dCi turbo diesel engine.

He said it was quite an impressive sight :)

Just had a look at the corporate Renault site and the Australian bit has been added to it. They said that when they got to australia there was so much dirt inside the car the authorities wouldnt give it clearance. So the customs people hosed out the whole vehicle. This in turn ruined the spark plugs aparently as it would.
They could have been more careful you would think....
Why would hosing a car ruin the spark plug :confused: :confused:

I think they hosed out the engine bay with a high pressure hose causing issues with the plugs.
Yeah dont recommend that...when i bought my car i washed the engine bay and didnt bother covering the coil....coil needed changing afer that.

Water in spark plug holes can short the spark

Amazing, you blokes are amazing, all this talk about this world traveling RX4 getting water on the plugs and what motor does it have????
According to DeKa posted 22 August, a 1.9 DCI Turbo Diesel, I'll spell it again, it's a DIESEL. Now I know the Renault engineers are a clever bunch but even they haven't worked out how to put spark plugs in a diesel, or why you'd want to.

Interesting isn't it David?

It definately says that "the spark plugs were saturated with water". Geez, water down the spark plug holes. Nothing an air compressor won't fix. The info is at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

After dad saw the vehicle and told me, he said it had the blue dCi moniker on the side of the car in the typical modern Renault way. I *assume* he saw the same vehicle? I know for one if I was doing a 100 000+ km road trip I'd be taking a diesel!

I agree Derek, I think a diesel would be an obvious chioce but I just read there site and there's no mention if what model RX4 it is, that bit about the spark plugs is the only reference to the engine. Wonder how we can find out for sure?

Has the 1.9 got glow plugs? They look a bit like spark plugs. Although they wouldn't necessarily short because they're low tension, if they were hot they might crack.


Having driven a 1.9 dCi for a month, I have to say I don't know if it has glow plugs. To be honest I don't think so...

It started the moment you hit the starter, and there is no 'glow' position on the key.

There was a 'glow' light on the dash but it never ever lit up. Even my sister's 1.4L petrol Clio has a 'glow' light on the dash so I think it might be a relic from older models, or perhaps the dTi engine still available in cheaper Scenics in Europe.

The dTi engine blows typical diesel smoke on acceleration and is less fuel efficient compared to the dCi.

Hmmm..diesel hey. At least most of you's are on the ball. I must admit, i dont read much of the stuff posted, especially topics of little interest. Doing that will make you miss important points when replying.

I remember one of my class mates in Automotive Systems in College asked where the spark plugs were located in an engine that was on the stand. We told him to look underneath the engine and when he did, the burst of laughter from all of us was tremendous

Dont diesels have sparkies? :D

That's a classic! Poor guy.
The question remains, do these new common rail diesels have glow plugs? I did have a look over the engine in the Scenic I had, but it had a big plastic cover that I couldn't work out how to get off without breaking the plastic clips disappro so I didn't see too much.

All I know is it was a damn good engine! If I was touring the world I'd take one any day :D
