505 wagon - listen to it squeak in my short video

Great idea, thanks lowpugV2.
I know the blower motor is ok, but I can easily isolate the speedo for a test.
It's an old car (32 years old), so lots of things can go wrong. :)
The problem has been solved!

A few days ago the problem deteriorated to the point where it would squeal when revved in neutral, so I looked in the engine bay with the engine running and confirmed that it was the one of the drive belts - most likely the water pump and alternator belt.

The belts were tightened and now there is no more squealing!

There could have been an as yet undiagnosed cause such as a problem with the alternator causing more drag, but for the moment the problem is solved.

Thanks for the tips btw.

Great...but make sure the belt is not TOO tight...that can wear out the bearing in the front of the alternator.