205 help


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Fellow Frogger
Apr 14, 2014
I did a dumb thing. I had to relocate the project which has been sitting in the garage for 4 years in a hurry to make way for another car. I was going to move it outside until the new shed is ready so I can finally start work on it and forgot the driveshafts were out when I rolled it out. :( The result was as expected.... What is the best course of action now to get a wheel back on asap as it's currently on the street in front of the house with an car stand propping it up.

I can just hammer it back in ok? I thought the bearing might have been damaged.
also, jack under the subframe (front) and rear beam (when doing the rear)
its easier and no chance of damaging your sills
If you have a large-ish bolt on hand clamp the wheel through the bearing to the hub so you can roll the car around, no need to have the driveshaft flopping about as well. Use some large washer or whatever to stop the bolt head coming out through the bearing. Not gonna be pretty but it's gonna work better than dragging the car on three wheels.

Ideally you would have the driveshaft outer shaft on hand if you want to play with the car like that. This is what knackered driveshafts are good for.
Normally I jack it under the sub frame but it was an emergency situation as I doubled down on the stupid and put my hand on top of the wheel getting down on creaky knees to see what was going on and that's when it let go so the guard came crashing down pinning my wrist to the tyre. No major damage just bruising and feeling like an idiot as I'm so careful when working on cars in the garage with stands backed up by multiple other supports just in case but in this situation I had brain fade and it nearly cost me.
We are building a new shed so it's now waiting for its new home where I can finally get to work on it!