2018 3008 Battery replacement


Going slightly mad
VIP Paid Subscriber
Fellow Frogger
Jul 12, 2000
Parkes - N.S.W - Australia - Earth
Well the time had come after 12 months of nursing what i know was a dying battery and having looked at where Peugeot had decided to put the battery and then build the car around it was enough for me to keep trying to put off replacing it
So christmas eve arrived and the car refused to start
Quick look around and Supercheap had a convenient sale on the battery i needed ($110 off)
Went to the store and they said, sir we can fit this for an extra $20, i was very quick to say sure go for it thinking they must have a trick
Over 1/2 and hour outside Supercheap in the great aussie sun this bloke said mate i give up, I have no idea on how to get the old one out let alone the new one in
So new battery in boot, jump start the car and drive home i do
Upon getting home i thought this could take a while and the sun is still beating down, under cover the car goes and a drink i have before embarking on learning a new skill
Once i walked back out and had a look i thought it can't be that hard
I had heard an horror story of someone being charged a large sum of money for the same job
A battery is a consumable i thought
So i unbolted the bracket across the top that i thought must have to come out but because it holds the ECU on the side of the battery it actually doesn't go anywhere, in hindsight it could actually stay there
Out with the air box which was complete in under a minute, that was easy and then all became clear
Unclip the big cable running across the front of the battery and the smaller one from the base
Disconnect the positive lead
Two 10mm bolts and the BCM gently comes away from sitting right in front of the battery and lifts away
This then reveals two more 10mm bolts that holds a very small bracket holding the battery down
Slide the battery towards the front of the car and this then gives you access to the negative terminal, same 10mm again and loosen that and off pops the terminal
Voila the battery is free to exit it's home of the last 6 years
Replacement is opposite of removal
I really thought after looking at it many times it was a total PITA but it's actually very easy, unlocked the car jump in and started it up thinking i had to reset everything but no, everything was as it was and nothing had changed or gone back to factory settings
I have seen the same with a C4, with the fuse gear on top, cable in the way, and invisible battery fixings down in the abyss somewhere. When you know it's trivial.
I had similar on my Q7, bought the new battery, get home, promptly fully remove the passengers seat lift it out (and they weigh a ton) swap the battery over and reassemble.. then posted on FB about how it's a stupid design for a replaceable part

I get to work the next day (at an Audi/VW dealer) and one of the tech's I'm friends with takes me out to a Q7 in the workshop, shows me how you undo 2 screws and the whole seat hinges up and back to get to the battery (in less than a minute)
Mr Supercheap googled how to do it while we were there and he said mate there's a youtube from a mechanic that goes for 29 minutes for this job
No way are we going to be able to do it here today as it seems to be far too extensive and needs to be done by a professional
There is a ton of stuff over and in front though, and a terminal hidden. Until you have done it, it looks daunting.

I don't know why PSA hides batteries like this.

Jaahn, your new Cit is similar..
Only Peugeot-Citroen could think of that. And that sort of thing has been done now for over a decade.

It's the price you pay for the long windscreen. Wait until that owner has to do anything with the back of the engine..
omg that is pretty difficult- I remember my '14 208 was a lot easier but still there is this little latch that you must release before you can take the battery out, trying to unlock that latch was a huge job for both the battery place and myself - no one knows how to do it. It was trial and error and eventually we got a metal ruler to slide in the sides on the RHS as you are looking at it an then it clicks and it was unlatched! Why oh why do the French make it so difficult for s simple thing? I think if you took the 3008 to the dealer they will charge you labour by the minutes accordingly.
The battery place left the engine running as they removed the battery else the settings were all gone- we don't know so play it safe
Palo, the battery holder is conventional. It ts the tiny hand space under the overhang to work in that is pure PSA. Not all PSA cars are like this - the C5 has it up the front, unencumbered, where everyone else puts them.
5 minutes my foot - if someone does this in 5 minutes I'd be questioning the quality of the job, if wires were snipped off or wriggled off or twsited off conveniently in 5 minutes.
Well I’ve been doing this for over twenty years not just dribbling shit on the internet
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If that’s how Pug hides the battery in an ICE car, imagine the lengths it will go through weaving mazes and webs to get to the battery in an EV! Cannot even imagine how many compartments you will have to remove to get to a Pug EV battery, which apparently is 485 kilos that must be a challenge for Pug to hide. Never mind Pug engineers will have delicate wires crisscrossing the damn thing. You didn’t think we’d let dealers go bankrupt while we make it easy for you did’ya?
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They drop out from underneath. Nothing special. BUT will anyone ever change an aged one? The cost will write off the car.
Say what you want about VAG cars, in my experience they're logically laid out and well engineered for this sort of stuff. The back of my A4 wagon is pretty tidy and the battery very easy to swap

Is your A4 one of the cars that needs battery configuration? PSA doesn't inflict this on us.